Club shop
Junior Kit
Shirts & Shorts Etc.
Black Training Shirt £13.00
Red Training Shirt £11.00
Black Shorts (includes ARFC logo) £8.00
Socks (Alcester RFC colours) £3.00
Studs 25p Each
Gum Shield £1.00
Nearly new boots of various sizes are also all availbale. (See The Boot Room)
The Boot Room
The Junior section are collecting used boots to resell. Should you have any old/nearly new boots you wish to donate to the junior section please contact Robert Thompson on 01789 766815.
Please ensure all boots are clean before offering them for sale.
Any boots given can also be traded in for another pair at a small cost.
Senior Kit
Rugby Kit & Accessories
Gilbert Shorts £13.00
Socks (Alcester RFC colours) £4.75
Gilbert Head Guard £20.00
Gilbert Body Armour £35.00
Studs (Pack of 12) £2.00
Studs (Each) 20p
Gumshield £1.00
Laces £1.00
Club Clothing & Accessories
Replica Shirt £20.00
Polo Shirt £10.00
Sweat Shirt £13.00
Leisure Shorts £9.00
Club Tie £10.00
Club Waistcoat £25.00
Club Bow Tie £10.00
Tie Pin £1.00
Blazer Badge £5.00
Umbrella £16.50
We now sell Gilbert Rugby Boots all sizes available samples with kit sales £35 per pair order yours from kit sales on Sundays